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Kode Error Ir4570

By photocopy canon | At Wednesday, December 07, 2011 | Label : | 7 Comments
Error code CANON iR4570iR3570 / iR2870 / iR2270

E000 fixing overheating
E001 fixing assembly overheating
E002 fixing assembly low temperature
E003 post-standby fixing low temperature
E007 fixing film rotation error
E010 main motor rotation error
E014 fixing motor rotation error
E019 waste toner case full, waste toner case full sensor error
E020 toner clogging between sub hopper and developing assembly
E024 developing assembly connector disconnection
E025 hopper motor, bottle motor error
E032 NE controller counter error
E064 power supply voltage error (high-voltage)
E100 BD interval error
E110 scanner motor error
E191 communication error for high voltage power supply
E202 CIS home position detection error
E225 CIS light intensity error
E227 reader unit power supply error
E248 backup memory error
E261 zero-cross signal error
E315 image data error
E400 feeder communication error
E490 wrong DF type
E500 finisher communication error
E503 finisher internal communication error
E505 finisher backup memory error
E514 stack delivery/trailing edge assist motor error
E519 gear change motor error
E520 off-set motor error
E530 rear alignment error
E531 stapling error
E532 stapler shift error
E535 swing error
E537 front alignment error
E540 stack tray ascent error/upper tray ascent error
E542 lower tray ascent error
E577 paddle error
E584 shutter error
E590 punching error
E591 puncher dust sensor error
E592 punch horizontal registration sensor error
E593 punch shift error
E5F0 saddle paper positioning error
E5F1 saddle paper folding error
E5F2 saddle guide error
E5F3 saddle alignment error
E5F4 saddle rear stapling error
E5F5 saddle front stapling error
E5F6 saddle butting error
E5F8 saddle connector error
E5F9 saddle switch error
E602 hard disk error
E604 image memory error/shortage
E609 hard disk error
E610 herd disk coding key fault
E674 fax board communication error
E710 IPC initialization error
E711 IPC communication error
E713 communication error for finisher
E716 communication error for pedestal/ communication error for 3-way unitA1
E717 communication error for NE controller
E719 coin vendor error
E730 PDL software error
E732 scanner communication error
E733 printer communication error
E740 Ether board error
E743 DDI communication error
E744 language file/boot ROM error
E745 TokenRing board error
E746 accessories board wrong model error
E748 controller board and SDRAM size mismatch
E805 fan error

Regarding most common errors related to fixing section:

E000 The temperature of the fixing assembly is abnormally high.
0001 While startup control is under way, the reading of
the main thermistor is less than 30 deg C
continuously for 200 msec or more 1 sec after the
start of power supply.
While startup control is under way, the reading of
the main thermistor is less than 70 deg C
continuously for 200 msec or more 2 sec after the
start of power supply.
While startup control is under way, the reading of
the main thermistor is less than 120 deg C
continuously for 200 msec 6 sec after the start of
power supply.
The startup control does not end 30 sec after the
start of power supply.
Reset the condition in service mode:
main thermistor. Replace the DC controller PCB

E001 The temperature of the fixing assembly is abnormally high.
0000 The reading of the main thermistor is 250 deg C
or more continuously for 200 msec.
0001 The hardware circuit detects overheating of the
main or sub thermistor for 200 msec.
0001 The hardware circuit detects overheating of the
main or sub thermistor for 200 msec.

Reset the condition in service mode: COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR. Replace the
main thermistor. Replace the DC controller PCB

E002 The rise in temperature of the fixing assembly is faulty.
0000 While startup control is under way, the reading of
the main thermistor is less than 115 deg C
continuously for 400 msec 1.3 sec after it has
indicated 100 deg C.
While startup control is under way, the reading of
the main thermistor is less than 150 deg C
continuously for 400 msec 1.3 sec after it has
indicated 140 deg C.
Reset the condition in service mode:
main thermistor. Replace the DC controller PCB

E003 The fixing temperature is too low after a standby state.
0000 While regular temperature control is under way,
the reading of the main thermistor is less than 140
deg C continuously for 400 msec or more.
Reset the condition in service mode:
main thermistor. Replace the DC controller PCB

E007 The rotation of the fixing film is faulty.
0000 While the fixing motor is rotating, the marker
signal is not detected for 6 sec with the reading of
the main thermistor indicating 100 deg C or more.
Reset the condition in service mode:
main thermistor. Replace the DC controller PCB

Canon iR6000 Brosur Fotokopi

By photocopy canon | At Thursday, April 21, 2011 | Label : , , , | 1 Comments
Brosur Fotokopi Canon iR6000

Brosur Fotokopi Canon iR6000
Potocopier brochure Canon iR6000

Daftar Isi Brosur Fotokopi Canon iR6000 
1. Performance information iR6000
2. Optional extras iR6000  
3. Specifications iR6000

 Brosur Canon Ir6000 by Photocopy75

Silahkan bagi yang membutuhkan untuk Download or Print Brosur Canon Ir6000 ini di www.scribd.com.
Untuk yang belum punya drivernya silahkan ambil disini: 
atau lengkapnya di "canon-europe" disana anda bisa download driver-driver seperti :

Canon PCL5e/5c Driver Printer v8.70
Canon PCL5e/5c v8.70 Printer Driver untuk Edition x64
Canon PCL5e/5c PCL6 Printer Driver versi 14.00
Canon PCL5e/5c PCL6 Printer Driver versi 8.85 / v6.85
Canon PCL5e/5c PCL6 Printer Driver versi 8.85 / v6.85 untuk x64 edition
Canon PCL5e/5c PCL6 Printer Driver versi 8.90 / v6.90 untuk 32bit
Canon PCL5e/5c PCL6 Printer Driver versi 8.90 / v6.90 untuk 64bit
Canon PCL6 Printer Driver versi 6.70
Canon PCL6 v6.70 untuk Driver Printer x64 Edition
Canon PS PPD File v2.90
Canon PS PPD file v3.15 dan masih banyak lagi

Moga Canon iR6000 Brosur Fotokopi ini bisa bermanfaat bagi yang memerlukannya

Driver Photocopier Canon iR6000

By photocopy canon | At Thursday, April 21, 2011 | Label : | 1 Comments

Canon iR6000 photocopier summary

Canon iR6000 Photocopier - Printer

Canon IR6000 fotokopi: 60 ppm A4. Sistem Digital Solusi untuk Anda yang bergelut dengan Usaha Copy Center karena sudah terintegrasikan ke seluruh jaringan. Multi-tasking Copier, Printer, Scanner.

Fitur Photocopier Canon IR6000

  • 60 ppm output
  • Tersedia 100 kotak surat (Mailboxes)
  • Cetak banyak dengan sekali Scan
  • Mixed Original Copying
  • Job Build
  • Reserve Jobs
  • Job Notification
  • 5.1 GB Hard Disk
  • Remote User Interface

Brosur iR6000

Error E100 Canon iR | Cara Mengatasi Eror E100 iR1600

By photocopy canon | At Monday, March 28, 2011 | Label : | 4 Comments

Error E100 Canon iR1600 Disini saya kembali membagikan pengalaman saya tentang “Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Eror E100 iR1600”. Pada awalnya mesin tidak masalah, hanya waktu itu saya ingin membersihkan tumpahan toner yang ada di Magnet roll Devloping dan juga roll transfer akhirnya saya buka semua unit Drum dan Unit Devloping dikeluarin seterusnya semprot pakai kompresor dan dipasang kembali dan coba langsung test print copy tiba2 dilayar langsung keluar error E100. Saya tahu permasalahan ada pada unit lasernya tetapi saya cek lasernya tidak ada masalah, makanya saya gogling di google dan menemukan artikel disitus rusia yang saya translate otomatis ke bahasa indo makanya kata-katanya pada nggak karuan.

E100 - Setelah sinar laser dihidupkan, sinyal BD tidak dapat dideteksi dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan itulah alasan terjadinya kesalahan.

Oke walaupun kata-katanya gak karuan tapi intinya Anda hanya perlu membersihkan kaca kaca pada bagian dalam unit laser itu, dan bagaimana caranya? Ikuti saja petunjuk dibawah ini karena sudah disertai gambar panduannya

Masalah: dengan kerugian minimal antara pusat layanan personel untuk sampai ke unit laser.

Tools: baik, itu rasanya ... Aku dengan Anda di seperti pertempuran akan mengambil: vacuum cleaner untuk mengumpulkan toner, pin obeng kecil, angka (silang) obeng.

Urutan pelaksanaan:

1) Hal pertama yang perlu Anda ekstrak dari kompor aparat.

E100 Kesalahan dalam mesin fotokopi Canon IR1600 
Bagaimana melakukannya? Berikut adalah cara.
Lepaskan penutup kiri
Buka penutup depan
Ekstrak unit drum (drum-.nit)
Lepaskan baki feed manual dan meninggalkan menutupi di sebelah kiri
Lepaskan penutup yang tepat
Lepaskan tutupnya, yang keluar dari mesin kertas
Hapus dari rak kotak transparan. Dia duduk di perekat dan angka adalah sebagaimana diuraikan oleh garis tebal di sepanjang kontur.
Semua mencakup untuk menahan ke hard drive dan removable mudah; penting - akurasi.

Alasan untuk perangkat fotokopi E100 kesalahan dalam Canon IR1600 Ini adalah kotak transparan, hanya gambar yang lebih besar. Angka 2 dan 3 ditandai lubang sekrup. Adalah penting untuk mengingat bagaimana ada kotak yang jelas, jika perakitan, Anda bisa mendapatkan diri dalam teka-teki :-) sedikit menyenangkan








E100 Kesalahan dalam mesin fotokopi Canon IR1600 

Lepaskan sekrup (5), kemudian lepaskan tanah (6) dan lepaskan perakitan papan. Fee seakan rak di reses khusus.
Hati-hati dengan itu karena kabel (tampaknya di desainer khusus dikandung perusahaan Canon) tidak memiliki saham untuk panjang.






Untuk memperbaiki kesalahan ini di E100 mesin fotokopi Canon IR1600 Lepaskan 3 x dari perakitan papan (9). Saya harus mengatakan bahwa konektor putih besar setelah Anda melepas konektor yang lebih nyaman untuk masuk ke dalam (relatif terhadap papan) bahwa dia tidak berbicara dan tidak mengganggu Anda dalam usaha masa depan.
Semua kabel yang dibutuhkan untuk menarik keluar dari pemotongan sisi pada kartu, jika tidak, anda tidak akan dapat menghapus kompor.








E100 Kesalahan dalam mesin fotokopi Canon IR1600E100 Kesalahan dalam mesin fotokopi Canon IR1600Lepaskan 2 sekrup kecil (10) dan 2 sekrup besar panjang (11). Terakhir mudah untuk membuka tutup, jika Anda menyisipkan sebuah tuas kecil di lubang (13) di sekrup A (lihat Gambar Kanan.).

Setelah semua prosedur di atas, menghapus gerakan, kompor halus pada dirinya sendiri. Jika Anda melakukan semuanya dengan benar, Anda akan berhasil. Dewan perakitan dapat mengganggu proses sedikit, tapi saya pikir dengan cara perusahaan menempatkan, Anda akan mengerti tanpa aku.


2) Sekarang laser blok.
Anda dapat menghapus seluruh blok laser seluruhnya. Saya belum pernah menggunakan cara ini, karena sebelum tirai dapat dicapai hanya dengan menghapus penutup atas laser. Tetapi jika Anda ingin, misalnya, pencegahan unit laser, kemudian, tentu saja, harus menghapus itu sepenuhnya.
E100 Kesalahan dalam mesin fotokopi Canon IR1600 Sangat sederhana. Kami mengambil kain lap (1) - adalah bagian dari bahan berpori, segera akan melihat, lepaskan 3 x (2). Memulas 4 sekrup (3) dan lepaskan penutup unit laser (4). Yang terakhir adalah terpasang ke beberapa kait, tidak rusak sebagian dari mereka ...
Sekarang jika Anda melihat unit laser, lalu ke kanan sebelum itu (sambil bergerak sinar) Anda akan melihat tirai sedikit. Anda dapat melakukan percobaan untuk konfirmasi: meninggalkan segala sesuatu di formulir ini, keluarkan tabung dari cartridge dan masukkan sepenuhnya oleh semua aturan kembali. Kami mengambil rana sepenuhnya dan melupakannya ...

Puting mesin - semuanya sudah siap. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.






Dalam artikel itu alasan untuk kode kesalahan E100 benar - tidak memblokir naik laser tirai.
Tapi sangat sering menjadi masalah adalah dengan punggungan kerusakan pada kartrid drum (drum-unit). Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa kegagalan terjadi ketika penghapusan ceroboh kertas, atau ketika dimasukkan dengan benar ke cartridge.

Untuk memperbaiki perbaikan bibir sisa: kita terpaku dan diperkuat klip (kekuatan ini akan tampil dengan baik). Atau hanya mengubah cartridge dengan yang baru, jika tidak ditemukan chip.
Sebuah metode yang dijelaskan dalam artikel masalah tonjolan tersebut dapat dihilangkan sekali dan untuk semua. Meskipun membayar untuk kartrid baru 100-120 dolar lebih begitu kejam tidak datang.

Incorrect Paper Size and Stop Printing Canon Ir1600 | Ir2000

By photocopy canon | At Friday, March 25, 2011 | Label : | 4 Comments
How to fix Incorrect Paper Size and Stop Printing Canon Ir1600 and Ir2000

Disini saya mau Share pengalaman waktu pertama beli Mesin Photocopy IR1600 yang selalu keluar tampilan Incorrect Paper Size.

Waktu pertama kali mesin di kirim tidak ada masalah dengan Fotokopi Ir1600 itu tapi selang beberapa bulan kemudian saya ditelponin dari kantor itu, maklum saya beli buat di Rental-in soalnya jaman sekarang mengandalkan teknisi panggilan di Jakarta semakin sulit walaupun Menyewakan Mesin Photocopy juga bukan gampang, gini orangnya bilang kalau pakai kertas Folio fotokopi 2 lembar yang keluar cuman satu terus dilayar tampilan keluar Incorrect Paper Size.

Setelah saya datangin saya periksa oh... ternyata ada yang salah dengan programnya mungkin operatornya pencet-pencet sehingga prog' berubah. Nah untuk itu disini saya mau bagi-bagi pengalaman mudah-mudahan ada yang permasalahan sama tetapi tidak bisa mengatasinya. Oke...

Cara Mengatasi Incorrect Paper Size Canon Ir1600 dan Ir2000.

1. Tekan Additional Functions (*)

2. Tekan ID (#) keluar SERVICE MODE

3.  Tekan panah kekanan (>) cari #7 PRINTER tekan OK

4. Tekan panah kekanan (>) cari #6 CST tekan OK

5. Tekan panah kekanan (>) cari  CST U2 jika posisi angka Nol (0) ganti menjadi 24  tekan OK

6.  Tekan Reset matikan power dan hidupkan kembali

7. Selesai

Sekarang geser slider size ke U2 untuk pakai kertas Folio

Lihat Gbr

Selamat mencoba.
Bagi anda yang membutuhkan SERVICE MANUAL CANON IR apa aje dengan harga Rp. 100 rb dan Canon Analog NP6050, NP6030/35 dll Rp.75rb, (bentuk cd) belum termasuk Ongkos kirim,  silahkan email ke : solutionrental@gmail.com

Kode Error Canon NP6030|6035 - E001,002,003,004

By photocopy canon | At Thursday, March 24, 2011 | Label : | 105 Comments
Banyak yang bertanya pada saya cara mengatasi "Kode Error Canon NP6030 dan Canon NP6035" tentang "Cara mengatasi Error E001, Error E002, Error E003 dan juga Error E004". Bagian utama dan yang pertama kita lakukan adalah coba bongkar Fusing unit atau bagian unit pemanas, keluarkan dari dalam mesin agar lebih leluasa kita memeriksanya dan perhatikan fisiknya baik itu Thermistor, Fuse,  heater lamp/lampu pemanasnya apakah ada yang cacat atau tidak.

Cara memakai multimeterSelanjutnya ambil multitester, multimeter/avometer atau apalah sebutan orang untuk alat mengukur itu. Sebelum pengecekan kalibrasi dulu meternya dengan  caranya posisikan tombol pada Ohm meter dan tempelkan ujung probe hitam dan merah apabilah jarum bergerak tandanya bagus.

Cara mengatasi error E003

Sekarang cabutkabel soket Thermistor dan pada kedua kabel thermistor tempelkan ujung probe hitam dan merah multimeter sedangkan ujung/kepala thermistor (warna kuning) tempelkan badan besi solder yang sudah dipanaskan dan perhatikan jarum meter apakah bergerak naik perlahan kalau jarum meternya naik pertanda thermistor itu bagus
NB: Ada kalanya thermistor itu bukan rusak tapi solderan pada kedua atau salah satu kabel yang menempel dikepala thermistor itu lepas dari solderannya akibat panas

NP6030 dan NP6035Selanjutnya periksa bagian Fuse/sekring pemanas caranya gampang tempelkan  ujung probe hitam pada kaki fuse dan tempelkan ujung probe merah multimeter pada kaki fuse yang lainnya dan lihat jarum meternya pakah bergerak atau tidak , apabilah tidak bergerak pertanda fuse atau sekringnya putus dan segerahlah ganti.
NB: Untuk mengatasi sementara Fuse atau sekring yang putus kita bisa mengganti dengan kabel serabut (5 helai isi kabel serabut halus yang dipelintir) dan lilitkan pada kedua kaki fuse/sekring

Selanjutnya kita akan memriksa Heater lamp atau lampu pemanas. Untuk Heater lamp Canon Np 6030/Canon NP6035 dengan Voltase 220 Volts hanya memakai satu heater Lamp () sedangkan mesin Voltase 115 Volts memakai 2 heater lamp. Cara pengukurannya sama dengan mengukur Fuse diatas apabilah bergerak tandanya bagus.
NB: kadang roll heater/roll pemanas atas (teflon) berpengaruh juga pada error E002 terutama pada Canon NP6030/35 itu pengalaman saya selama 10 tahun jadi Teknisi Fotocopi Canon

Selain yang saya sebutkan diatas  jangan lupa juga periksa kabel-kabelnya, karena tikus jaman sekarang sudah gak doyan ikan asin ama teri, doyannya kabel2 elektronik kwak...kwak....  Apabilah kesemuanya itu di coba dan tes bagus semua sudah saatnya Anda pindah posisi ke bagian belakang mesin fotocopi dan buka covernya sekarang coba periksa kabel yang terhubung ke SSR - Error Code E004 (ada baiknya anda coba ganti memakai SSR dari mesin yang masih normal).

Setelah kesemuanya anda periksa dan ternyata tidak ada masalah pada bagian-bagian itu, langkah terakhirnya adalah dengan mengganti Mainboard atau DC Control-nya. Sebenarnya DC Controlnya masih bisa diperbaiki akan tetapi mungkin nanti saya jelasin pada artikel berikutnya.

Semoga dengan anda membaca artikel ini Anda sudah bisa mengatasi permasalahan Error Mesin Photocopy NP6030 dan NP6035 Khususnya Error E001, Error E002, E003, E004

By photocopy canon | At Tuesday, March 22, 2011 | Label : | 0 Comments
Error Code 1600_2000

Error Code in Canon iR5000/iR6000

By photocopy canon | At Monday, March 07, 2011 | Label : , , , , , | 51 Comments
These are all list of Error Code in Canon iR5000/iR6000 more to come, i hope your machines works fine and never get error.


Main cause: the main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit.The thermal switch (TP1) has an open circuit.The fixing heater has an open circuit.The SSR is faulty.The DC controller PCB faulty.Mode of detection: 0000 after the main power switch is turned on,the temperature detected by the main thermistor does not reach 70ºC.
Caution: The error must be be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR)


Main cause: The main thermistor (TH1) has a short circuit.The sub thermistor (TH2) has detected overheating.The SSR is faulty.The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0001 The main thermistor or the sub thermistor has detected about 230ºC or higher for 2 sec.0002 The main thermistor has detected 230ºC or higher (hard circuit detection)0003 The sub thermistor has detected about 236ºC or higher. Caution: The error must be be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR)


Main cause: The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit.The thermal switch (TP1) has an open circuit.The SSR is faulty.The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The temperature of the upper fixing roller does not reach 100ºC within 2 min after it has exceeded 70ºC. Caution: The error must be be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR)


Main cause: The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit.The thermal switch (TP1) has an open circuit.The fixing heater has an open circuit.The SSR is faulty.The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The temperature detected by the main thermistor is 70ºC for 2 sec or more after it has reaced 100ºC. Caution: The error must be be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR)


Main cause: The SSR has a short circuit. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The SSR used to drive the fixing heater is found to have a short circuit (hard circuit detection). Caution: The error must be be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR)


Main cause: The fixing web has been taken up. The fixing web length sensor (PS45) is faulty.The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The length of fixing web that has been taken up is in excess of the specified length. Caution: After replacing the fixing web, be sure to reset the two web counters in service mode:COPIER>COUNTER>MISC>FIX-WEB and COPIER>COUNTER>DRBL-1>FX-WEB.


Main cause: The main motor (M2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The clock pulse do not arrive for 2 secs or more after the main motor drive signal (MMFG) has been generated.


Main cause: The drum motor (M1) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The clock pulses do not arrive for 2 secs or more after the drum motor drive signal (DMFG) has been generated.


Main cause: The waste toner feedscrew is faulty. The waste toner clock sensor (MSW2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The rotation of the waste toner feedscrew goes out of order, and the switch (MSW2) is pressed multiple times during a specific period of time.


Main cause: The fixing motor (M19) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 The motor clock signal is detected for 2 secs or more continuosly after the fixing motor drive has been generated.


Main cause: The hopper connector is left disconnected. The hopper motor (M9/M10) is faulty.The toner sensor (TS1/TS2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0000 During printing, the toner supply is '0' (absence of toner) for 2 mins.

* E032

Main cause: The copy data controller or the remote diagnostic device is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0001 Although once connected,the copy data controlleror the remote diagnostic device has become disconnected.

* E061

Main cause: The laser shutter is faulty. The laser unit is faulty. The potential measurement PCB is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of detection:0001 As the result of potential control,the drum surface potential (VL2) of the white background is about 200V
(generating solid black images).0002 The primary charging output used for print output and the drum surface potential after laser output has been made are about 200V (generating solid black images).

* E100

Main Cause: The BD PCB is faulty. The laser unit is faulty. The laser driver PCB isfaulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The DC controllerPCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 In 100 msec after the laser drive signal has been generated, the BD signal is not detected 50 times or more
within 40 msecs.0002 While the laser is on, the BD signal cycle is found to be outside aspecific range 10 times or more.

* E110

Main Cause: The laser scanner motor (M15) is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit,open circuit). The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 • After the laser scanner motor drive signal has been generated,the motor ready signal (LMRDY*) does not arrive for
15 secs or more. (stop - full speed, half-speed - full speed)• During the period of 'full speed - half speed', the motor ready signal does not arrive for 60 secs or more after
the speed change signal has been generated.• During the period of 'full speed rotation', the motor ready signal is not detected 50 times or more (t intervals of 100 msec).

* E121

Main Cause: The controller cooling fan (FM4) is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit,open circuit). The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection0001 Although the controller cooling fan (FM4) is being driven, the clock signal (FM4LCK) does not arrive for 5 secs or more.
E196Main Cause: The EEPROM on the DC controller PCB is faulty. The location of the EEPROM is wrong. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:1abb When data is written to the EEPROM, the data written and the data read do not match.2abb When the ID read into the EEPROM and the ID into the ROM are compared, a mismatch is found.3abb When ID in the EEPROM and the ID in the ROM are compared after the main power switch is turned on, a mismatch is found.a: chip Nos. 0 through 5 (0: IC104, 1: IC105, 2: IC109, 3: IC110, 4: IC127, 5: IC130)bb: chip faulty address (bit)

* E202

Main Cause: The scanner HP sensor (PS39) is faulty. The scanner motor (M3) is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 The scanner HP sensor does not turn off even when the scanner has been moved 40 mm forward after the main power switch has been turned on or the Start key has been pressed.0002 The scanner HP sensor does not turn on even when the scanner has been moved 450 mm in reverse.Caution No code is indicated, and keys are locked. The code may be checked in service mode (COPIER>DISPLAY>ERR).

* E204

Main Cause: The ADF controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 During printing, the image leading edge signal does not arrive from the ADF.Caution No code is indicated, and keys are locked. The code may be checked in service mode (COPIER>DISPLAY>ERR).

* E220

Main Cause: The lamp inverter PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 The lamp inverter PCB is found to have a fault.

* E225

Main Cause: The scanning lamp (xenon tube) is faulty. The inverter PCB is faulty. The CCD/AP PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0000 A specific signal level cannot be attained by CCD gain correction at power-on.0002 The edge gain correction value changed more than a specific level compared with the correction value used for the preceding sheet.

* E240

Main Cause: The main controller PCB. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0000 An error has occurred in the communication between the main controller PCB and the CPU of the DC controller PCB.

* E243

Main Cause: The control panel CPU PCB is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0000 An error has occurred in communication between the CPU of the control panel CPU PCB and the main controller PCB.

* E248

Main Cause: The EEPROM on the reader controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 The ID read into the EEPROM when the main power switch has been turned on and the ID in the ROM do not match.0002 When data is written into EEPROM, the data written and the data read do not match.0003 When data is written, the ID in the EEPROM and the ID in the ROM are found not to match.

* E302

Main Cause: The CCD/AP PCB is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0001 During shading, the reader controller PCB does not end shading in 1 sec.0002 In stream reading, the edge white accumulation (processing) does not end after a period of 10 secs.

* E601

Main Cause: The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The hard disk drive is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection:0000 The main controller PCB has detected an error in control datawhile an image was transmitted between the main controller PCBand the hard disk drive.0001 The main controller PCB has found an error in the control data intransfer of images between main controller PCB and the DC controllerPCB.

* E602

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The hard disk drive isfaulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 A mount error was detected when the hard disk was started upfrom the boot ROM.0002 A data read error (from the hard disk) was detected when the harddisk was started from the boot ROM.

* E607

Main Cause The hard disk fan (FM7) is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit, opencircuit). The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 While the hard disk fan (FM7) is being driven, the clock signal(FM7CLK) does not arrive for 5 secs or more.

* E677

Main Cause The various printer board (accessories) are faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 An error has occurred in the communication between the various

* E710

Main Cause The DC controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 When the main power is turned on, the IPC (IC5021) on the readercontroller PCB cannot be initialized.0002 When the main power is turned on, the IPC (IC120) on the DCcontroller PCB cannot be initialized.0003 When the main power is turned on, the IPC (IC1003) on the maincontroller PCB cannot be initialized.

* E711

Main Cause The connector is not connected properly. The remote diagnostic device PCBis faulty. The copy data controller PCB is faulty. The ADF controller PCB isfaulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty. The finisher controller PCB isfaulty.Mode of Detection 0001 Data has been written to the error register of the IPC (IC5021) onthe reader controller PCB four times or more within 1.5 secs.0002 Data has been written to the error register of the IPC (IC120) onthe DC controller PCB four times or more within 2 secs.0003 Data has been written to the error register of the IPC (IC1003) ofthe main controller PCB four times or more within 2 secs.

* E712

Main Cause The connector is not connected properly. The ADF 24-V power supply isfaulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB isfaulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Communication does not resume in 3 secs after data has been writtento the error register of the communication IC (IPC) of the ADFcontroller PCB.0002 The transmission bit is not enabled after a period of 10 sec at thesync register of the IPC (IC5021) on the reader controller PCB.

* E713

Main Cause The connector is not connected properly. The finisher accessories powersupply PCB is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty. The DC controllerPCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 The communications IC (IPC) on the finisher controller has goneout of order.

* E717

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The copy data controller orthe remote diagnostic device is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The copy data controller or the NE controller is out of order or anopen circuit has been detected.Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION> CLEAR>ERR).

* E719

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The coin vendor is faulty.The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection0001 The communication between the coin vendor and the main controllerPCB has been interrupted.Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR).

* E732

Main cause The connector has poor contact. The reader controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The main controller PCB has detected an error in the communicationbetween the reader controller PCB and the main controllerPCB.

* E733

Main cause The connector has poor contact. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The main controller PCB has detected an error in the communicationbetween the DC controller PCB and the main controller PCB.CLEAR>ERR).printer boards (accessories) and the main controller PCB.

* E740

Main cause The LAN card is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 An error is detected on the LAN card at power-on (with the cardinserted).0002 A MAC address is found to be faulty.0003 The LAN card register cannot be read.

* E741

Main Cause The PCI bus connection is not proper. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 An error has occurred in the PCI bus.

* E742

Main Cause The RIP1 board (accessory) is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 An error has been detected by self diagnosis of the RIPI board.

* E743

Main cause The connector has poor contact. The main controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection 0000 The reader controller PCB has detected an error in the communicationbetween the main controller PCB and the reader controllerPCB.

* E804

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The DC power supply fan(FM6) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 While the DC power supply fan is being driven, the clock signal(FM6CLK) does not arrive for 5 secs or more.

* E805

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The feed fan (FM1) isfaulty. The heat discharge fan (FM3) is faulty. The DC controller PCB isfaulty.Mode ofDetection0001 While the heat discharge fan is being driven, the clock signal(FM3CLK) does not arrive for 5 secs or more.0002 While the feed fan is being driven, the clock signal (FM1CLK)does not arrive for 5 secs or more.

* E824

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The primary charging assemblycooling fan (FM2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 While the primary charging assembly cooling fan is being driven,

* E412

Main Cause The cooling fan (FM1) is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 While the cooling fan is being driven, the lock signal (FMLCK)arrives for 100 msec or more.

* E420

Main Cause The EEPROM is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection 0001 When the host machine's power switch is turned on, the backupdata of the EEPROM cannot be read or the data, if read, has an error.

* E421

Main Cause The EEPROM is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Backup data cannot be written to the EEPROM or the data, if written,has an error.the clock signal (FM2CLK) does not arrive for 5 secs or more.

* E422

Main Cause The IPC communication has an error. The communication line has an opencircuit. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 While the machine is in standby, the communication with the hostmachine has been interrupted for 5 secs or more. or, while the machineis in operation, the communication with the host machine hasbeen interrupted for 0.5 sec or more.

* E500

Main Cause The finisher controller PCB is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The communication between the host machine and the finisher hasbeen interrupted; this error is detected by the host machine.

* E503

Main Cause The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty. The finisher controller PCB isfaulty.Mode ofDetection0002 The communication between the saddle stitcher controller PCBand the finisher controller PCB has been interrupted.

* E504

Main Cause The height sensor (PS1) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Communication between the height sensor and the finisher controllerPCB is not possible, or communication data has an error.0002 Communication between the height sensor and the finisher controllerPCB is not possible for a specific period of time.0003 At time of power-on, the connector of the height sensor is found tobe disconnected.0004 When the height sensor is being adjusted using the DIP switch, anerror occurred during the adjustment.

* E505

Main Cause The EEPROM is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty. The puncherdriver PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 When the power switch is turned on, the check sum of theEEPROM on the finisher controller PCB is found to have an error.0002 When the power switch is turned on, the check sum of theEEPROM on the puncher driver PCB is found to have an error.

* E512

Main Cause The delivery motor clock sensor (PI10) is faulty. The delivery motor (M2)is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 When operation starts, as many clocks as needed do not arrivefrom the delivery motor clock sensor.0002 No clock pulse arrives while paper is being moved over a distanceof 200 mm.

* E530

Main Cause The alignment plate home position sensor (PI6) is faulty. The alignmentmotor (M3) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The alignment plate does not leave home position when the alignmentmotor has been driven for 2 secs.0002 The alignment plate does not return to home position when thealignment motor has been driven for 2 secs.

* E531

Main Cause The stapler home position detecting switch (MS7) is faulty. The stapler motor(M6) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The stapler does not leave home position when the stapler motorhas been driven for 0.5 sec.0002 The stapler does not return to home position when the stapler motorhas been driven for 0.5 sec.

* E532

Main Cause The stapler shift home position sensor (PI7) is faulty. The stapler shift motor(M4) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The stapler unit does not leave home position when the stapler shiftmotor has been driven for 4 secs.0002 The stapler unit does not return to home position when the staplershift motor has been driven for 4 secs.

* E535

Main Cause The swing motor clock sensor (PI20) is faulty. The swing guide open sensor(PI18) is faulty. The safety area switch (MS3) is faulty. The swing guideclosed detecting switch 2 (MS6) is faulty. The swing motor (M7) is faulty.The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The swing guide closed detecting switch 2 does not turn on whenthe swing motor has been rotated CCW for 1 sec.0002 The swing guide open sensor does not turn on when the swing motorhas been rotated CW for 1 sec.0003 When the tray lift motor is in operation, the swing guide closed detectingswitch 2 is found to be off while the tray 1/2 is at OFF positionof the safety area switch.0004 No clock arrives for 200 msecs while the machine is in swing operation.

* E540

Main Cause The tray home position sensor (PI8) is faulty. The tray lifter motor clocksensor 1/2 (PI9/PI19) is faulty. The tray upper limit detecting switch (MS5)is faulty. The tray lifter motor (M5) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB isfaulty.0001 The ascent does not end in 15 secs when the tray lift motor isdriven; or, the tray home position cannot be detected when the traylift motor has been driven for 15 secs.0002 While the tray is moving up, the tray upper limit detection switchis found to be on.0003 When the tray lift motor is driven, clock pulses do not arrive fromthe clock sensor 1/2 for 200 msecs.

* E584

Main Cause The shutter open sensor (PI5) is faulty. The safety area detecting switch(MS3) is faulty. The shutter closed detecting switch (MS4) is faulty. TheNo. 2 feed motor (M8) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The shutter closed detecting switch does not turn on when the No.2 feed motor has been rotated CCW for 1 sec or more.0002 The shutter open sensor does not turn on when the No. 2 feed motorhas been rotated CCW for 1 sec.0003 While the tray lift motor is in operation, the shutter closed detectingswitch is found to be off when the tray 1/2 is at OFF positionof the safety area detecting switch.

* E590

Main Cause The punch home position sensor (PI3P) is faulty. The punch motor (M1P)is faulty. The punch driver PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The puncher does not leave home position when the punch motorhas been driven for 200 msecs.0002 The puncher does not return to home position when the punch motorhas been driven for 200 msecs.

* E593

Main Cause The horizontal registration home position sensor (PI1P) is faulty. The horizontalregistration motor (M1P) is faulty. The punch driver PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The puncher does not leave home position when the horizontal registrationmotor has been driven for 4 secs.0002 The puncher does not return to home position when the horizontalregistration motor has been driven for 4 secs.

* E5F0

Main Cause The paper positioning plate home position sensor (PI7S) is faulty. The paperpositioning plate motor (M4S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controllerPCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The paper positioning plate home position sensor does not turn onwhen the paper positioning plate motor has been driven for about1.3 secs.0002 The paper positioning plate home position sensor does not turn off1 sec after the paper positioning plate motor has been driven for 1sec.

* E5F1

Main Cause The folding motor clock sensor (PI4S) is faulty. The paper folding homeposition sensor (PI21S) is faulty. The folding motor (M2S) is faulty. Thesaddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The number of detection pulses of the folding motor clock sensordrops below a specific value.0002 The state of the paper folding home position sensor does notchange when the folding motor has been driven for 3 secs.

* E5F2

Main Cause The guide home position sensor (PI13S) is faulty. The guide motor (M3S)is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The guide home position sensor does not turn on when the guidemotor has been driven for about 0.5 sec.0002 The guide home position sensor does not turn off when the guidemotor has been driven for 1 sec.

* E5F3

Main Cause The alignment home position sensor (PI5S) is faulty. The alignment motor(M5S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The alignment plate home position sensor does not turn on whenthe alignment motor has been driven for 0.5 sec (initially, drivenfor about 1.7 sec).0002 The alignment plate home position sensor does not turn off whenthe alignment motor has been driven for 1 sec.

* E5F4

Main Cause The stitch home position sensor (rear, MS5S) is faulty. The stitch motor(rear, M6S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.Mode of Detection 0001 The stitcher home position sensor (rear) does not turn off when thestitch motor (rear) has been rotated CW for 0.5 sec or more.0002 The stitch home position sensor (rear) does not turn on when thestitch motor (rear) has been rotated CCW for 0.5 sec or more.

* E5F5

Main Cause The stitch home position senor (front, MS7S) is faulty. The stitch motor(front, M7S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The stitch home position sensor (front) does not turn off when thestitch motor (front) has been rotated CW for 0.5 sec or more.0002 The stitch home position sensor (front) does not turn on when thestitch motor (front) has been rotated CCW for 0.5 sec or more.

* E5F6

Main Cause The paper push-on plate motor clock sensor (PI1S) is faulty. The paperpush-on plate leading edge position sensor (PI15S) is faulty. The paperpush-on plate home position sensor (PI14S) is faulty. The paper push-onplate motor (M8S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The paper push-on plate home position sensor does not turn onwhen the paper push-on plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec ormore.0002 The paper push-on plate home position sensor does not turn offwhen the paper push-on plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec ormore.0003 The paper push-on plate leading edge position sensor does not turnoff when the paper push-on plate motor has been driven for 0.3 secor more.0004 The number of detection pulses of the paper push-on plate motorclock sensor drops below a specific value.0005 The paper push-on plate leading edge sensor does not turn onwhen the paper push-on plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec or more.

* E5F8

Main Cause The guide home position sensor (PI13S) is faulty. The paper push-on platehome position sensor (PI14S) is faulty. The paper push-on plate leadingedge position sensor (PI15S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB isfaulty.Mode ofDetection0001 The connector of the guide home position sensor is found to bedisconnected.0002 The connector of the paper home positioning plate home positionsensor is found to be disconnected.0003 The connector of the paper push-on plate leading edge positionsensor is found to be discontented.

* E5F9

Main Cause The inlet door switch (MS1S) is faulty. The front door switch (MS2S) isfaulty. The delivery door switch (MS3S) is faulty. The saddle stitch controllerPCB is faulty.Mode of Detection 0001 When the inlet cover, front cover, and the delivery cover are foundto be closed, the inlet door switch detects an open condition for 1sec or more from the start of the initial rotation of the host machineor the start of printing.0002 When the inlet cover, front cover, and delivery cover are found tobe closed, the front door switch detects an open condition for 1 secor more after the start of the initial rotation of the host machine orthe start of printing.0003 When the inlet cover, front cover, and delivery cover are found tobe closed, the delivery door switch detects an open condition for 1sec or more from the start of the initial rotation of the host machineor the start of printing.

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Error E602-001 - Detail disini
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