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How to Maintenance a Photocopier Machine

If you want to maximize the use and extend the life of your photocopier machine and minimize the damage, you should learn tips on maintenance to improve the lifetime of your photocopier machine. It's very important that you have a photocopy machine for maximum performance

1. First of all, you should always remember to wipe the scanner glass using an anti-static cleaner liquid specifically designed for photocopiers. Small debris of dust greatly affects the scan quality. So make it a general rule to clean it regularly before using it.

2. Cleaning the Drum of your photocopier.
This is the part of the copier to which toner and paper attaches. It is attached to a toner cartridge and using high intensity light makes it conductive. Using a Mylar Bar, take a note to carefully clean this part of your photocopier, as this removes excess toner from your machine for better quality output.

3. Cleaning the Fuser of your photocopier.
To clean the fuser of your photocopier, a very light coat of silicon oil on a soft and smooth rug is needed. Wipe of the fuser until completely clean, and dry it using a different cloth.

4. Vacuuming the toner copier.
Most make the mistake of using an ordinary vacuum in cleaning the paper and toner areas than using the designated toner vacuum for photocopiers. If you use the ordinary vacuum, you may do more harm to yourself as the static charge from the toner can build up in the vacuum, giving you an electric shock.
Regularly cleaning the toner copier will ensure the flow of ink is consistent and continuous, for better printing quality.

5. Now that you know all the steps for cleaning the photocopier, always remember to keep a list of materials that you will be using before you start cleaning:
Anti-static cleaner
Mylar Bar
Silicon oil
Toner vacuum

Lastly, make sure to check and be familiarized with the content of your instruction manual for your photocopier. The parts and maintenance for your photocopier might also be written there depending on the brand of your office photocopier.

If you are unsure about the parts of your photocopier and should you wish to understand them in detail, including its maintenance on a more specific approach, do not hesitate to call your service provider for questions. If there are other technical problems beyond your reach, your service provider is more trained and experienced in handling technicalities that you might not know of.
Being well-informed of how to properly maintain and clean your photocopier is crucial from the very first time you purchase it. In this way, you can ensure maximum performance and increase the lifespan of your office photocopier.

Learn more about choosing the right photocopier machine. Stop by Summer Garside’s site where you can find out all about photocopiers and what photocopier brand is the suitable one for you.
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