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How To Cleaning the Photosensitive Drum Canon IR 5000 iR6000

Tips; How to cleaning the Photosensitive Drum Canon IR 5000 iR6000
Do not rotate the magnet roll during work. Otherwise, waste toner may fall through the cleaner assembly.

1) Slide out the process unit. (Be sure to place the drum protective sheet over the fixing/feeding unit.)
2) Take out the photosensitive drum.
3) Moisten lint-free paper [1] with 5 to 10 cc of alcohol [2]; then, pour 0.2 to 0.3 g of drum cleaning powder (CK-0429) [3] on the lint-free paper.
4) While butting the lint-free paper relatively strongly against the photosensitive drum, wipe the surface of the drum from the front to the rear and from the rear to the front.

drum cleaning powder • Keep the widths of cleaning to 5 to 10 cm in the peripheral direction of the drum.
• Move the lint-free paper back and forth 15 to 20 times over a single area.
Forcing the lint-free paper will not affect the life of the drum.
5) When the alcohol has evaporated, dry wipe the surface with lint-free paper. If the area is uneven, go back to step 4), and increase the back-and-forth movements.
6) Rotate the drum for the width (5 to 10 cm), and repeat steps 3) through 5) until the entire area of the surface has been cleaned.
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